The 2023 Podcast
It is spring 2023. Which new outcomes did the corona epidemic bring for our daily life, politics, economy and other aspects of our society? Listen to what Agnes and her guests have to say.
The background
Whilst everyone is still wondering, “when is everything going to be over?” – the corona epidemic and social distancing – and when can we go back to normal, the podcast is already having a look in the future. Because the world as we know is changing, right in this moment.
Let`s imagine, it is spring 2023. We overcame the pandemic in 2021. And we returned to normal. Or is our known normality different after COVID-19?
Now we all work in home office, our children do their school classes via internet teaching. We meet our friends on Google Hangouts for birthday parties. As we walk down the street to the nearest supermarket, mass surveillance systems are filming us and collect our biometric data to prevent the next epidemic, corona or the spreading new Ebola virus. If we feel like enjoying the view from the top of the Himalaya, we order a tour guide online, who takes us on his mountain climb and streams his trip live for us. We do not sit in full waiting rooms in a medical office anymore. Our doctor visits us with his mobile practice bus. We appreciate our walks and enjoy the fresh air a little more.
Our Vision
In The 2023 Podcast, host Agnes will talk to her guests from economy, business consulting, automotive industry, architecture, urban planning, procurement, logistics etc. about the effects and outcomes of the Corona epidemic on our world and different areas of our daily life and make predictions of how our life could be changed in 2023.
Dr. Agnes Kunkel
Meet The Host
From 1986 to 2005 Agnes worked as a consultant for McKinsey and other large consulting companies. In spring 2006 she collected all her years of experience in negotiation practice and published it in the book “Negotiating according to the script” in collaboration with Dr. Peter Groom.
With her own company Dr. Kunkel GmbH Agnes she focuses on lectures, seminars and individual coaching about negotiation. Together with Prof. Dr. Rosemarie Nagel (a student of the Nobel laureate in Economics Prof. Dr. Reinhard Selten, Bonn) Agnes works scientifically in the field of negotiation research.
In the past 15 years she has worked together with her small trainer and consultant network as a trainer and coach in the area of negotiation and leadership. Her clients range from global DAX companies to local medium-sized companies. Through her projects, she gained insights into many different industries, from the classic aerospace group, to jeans shopping in Bangladesh, to the millennial world of online start-ups.
Based on the current world situation and out of curiosity about how the Corona epidemic could change our world and what other people have to say about it, Agnes decided to start The 2023 Podcast – mankind will survive.
Agnes’ life and work motto:
“Wars are declared, peace is negotiated!”