The Millers Family
Remote Work and Cyber Security in 2023 with James Fair
Restaurants in 2023 with Alison Pearlman
About our voice over artist-Rachel Dechamplain
Cloud computing basics: getting to know the cloud
12 easy cybersecurity tips to better protect your data
The Future of public transportation by Paul Comfort
Paul Comfort's official website
The Millers Family
Remote Work and Cyber Security in 2023 with James Fair
Restaurants in 2023 with Alison Pearlman
About our voice over artist-Rachel Dechamplain
Cloud computing basics: getting to know the cloud
12 easy cybersecurity tips to better protect your data
The Future of public transportation by Paul Comfort
Paul Comfort's official website
The Millers Family
Remote Work and Cyber Security in 2023 with James Fair Restaurants in 2023 with Alison Pearlman About our voice over artist-Rachel Dechamplain[audio src=""][/audio]
Spontaneous visits at a restaurant are almost impossible. Tables have to be reserved at least one day in advance on the restaurant App, and you might even have to order and pay before you arrive. Digital menus are the new normal, and restaurants might even outsource their dishes. Is this going to be how restaurants will work in 2023? To gain more insights in our future listen to the Episode with Alison Pearlman, the brilliant thinker, writer and researcher in the area of restaurant business.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.2.2" min_height="17px" custom_margin="1px||-2px|||"]Our guest today is Alison Pearlman is the author of Smart Casual: The Transformation of Gourmet Restaurant Style in America and May We Suggest: Restaurant Menus and the Art of Persuasion. She is Professor of Art History at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. A brilliant thinker, writer and researcher in an area that touches everyone: food and especially food served in restaurants.